Visual Arts
Figures of Thought
Arun Khopkar, B. Vithal, M. Schleunung, Shanta Gokhale, Ashok Ranade, Shaila Parikh, Akbar Padamsee, Gieve Patel, Meera Devidayal and Dilip Purohit
Amrita Shergil
Nilima Sheikh
Rabindranath Tagore as a Painter
Speaker: Nissim Ezekiel
The Bengal School
Dyaneshwar Nadkarni
Ragamala Paintings: A Musicological Perspective
Ashok Ranade
Art Appreciation Workshop
Facilitators: Nissim Ezekiel, Gieve Patel, Madhuri Purandare, Joseph St. Anne, Rajani Prasanna, and Neena Nehru
January 10 to 11, 1990